Monday, April 6, 2020

Lakshman Rekha

On the eve of the 25th of March, when the nation went into lockdown, the Indian Prime Minister delivered a speech at prime time ordering his countrymen to draw a 'Lakshman Rekha' around themselves.  I made a short comic for the Indian express about what this 'Lakshman Rekha' is to those we chose to render invisible in our day to day lives. Lockdown or no lockdowm. The Indian express link is here.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

A killing

Online comic created for Brainded India's World environment day event called ecomixer.
You can follow their page for more comics here.

The Finest

The french journal 'Le Courage' requested me to contribute to their latest
issue which was based on the idea of 'superior minorities'. Here are a
few pages from the story I wrote and illustrated called the 'the finest'
where I talk about myth-making and kopi luwak.


'Indira' is a biography of India's first (and only) woman prime minister Indira Gandhi. This collaboration with the
writer Devapriya Roy is written partly in prose and partly as a comic.The book is published by Amazon westland.
You can buy it here.


I was asked to contribute a short piece on the theme of love to the Indian
Quarterly. I drew this story about a fleeting moment of ...umm.. love?

First hand 2: graphic narratives from Indi

I collaborated with Neha Dixit to create this comic for 'First Hand 2'. An investigative
 piece called 'shadow lines' originally written for the outlook magazine, has
been adapted into a comic by me. It is an investigation into the riots of muzzafarnagar
that led to rape of women by men belonging to powerful caste groups in the region.


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